3 Inexpensive Ways to Avoid Stress July 4th

Happy July 4th America! With the holiday here, it’s time to have fun. But as a small business owner, you may have a difficult time letting go of work issues. Here are five inexpensive  things that will help you relax:

1. Spend time outdoors.
Just by  sitting or walking  outside, you’ll notice all of the beautiful things around you. Nature has a way of putting things into perspective and slowing down our hectic pace.

2. Turn off your computer and phone.
Unless it’s an emergency,  shut down your business-communication devices. Just for one day, give yourself a break from responding to phone calls, e-mails,  and faxes.

After all,  other people will be celebrating the holiday too  so it’s the perfect time to leave  your phone  and  computer turned off!

3. Participate in a favorite activity.
If you want to sleep in, visit a new restaurant, attend a special concert, or just spend time with positive family and friends, now is your chance.  

Try to avoid negative conversations, traffic and stressful events. After all, the holiday  goes by fast, and you want to enjoy every minute of it!  And if you do have some tasks to accomplish during your time off, take care of them right away. Then, you’ll have time to do the things you love to do.

Everyone will be celebrating America’s birthday so enjoy the festivities! Have fun with the people you love. And when it’s time to return to work, you’ll be rested and more productive than ever!

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