Are You Doing This One, Key Thing to Bring in Sales?

In the process of promoting your products and services to potential customers, are you also promoting yourself?

Competition is fierce today, and people want more for their money. This means that they are not just looking at products and services ““ but the people behind the businesses as well.

With this in mind, what kind of image do you project?

As you scramble to follow up on leads and attract new customers, it can be easy to let yourself go and have your personal promotion fall to the bottom of the priority list. To avoid this from happening, here are three questions to ask before scheduling a sales call.

1.  Who are you meeting?

Before walking into a customer’s office, be sure to do your research. Find out as much as you can about the person in advance. Then, you’ll have a better idea of how to best approach this person with the appropriate talking points and sales pitch.

2.  What are you wearing?

Obviously, you need to look professional when meeting perspective customers. But it’s important to think about the “who, what, when, where, and how” of your meeting before getting dressed in the morning.

For example, if you are going to a laid back, beach office in the Bahamas, a suit will make you look way out of place. (Yes, I know. If only you had a meeting in the Bahamas:) To avoid feeling uncomfortable, think before you dress and refer to question one above.

3.  What is your leave-behind?

When you are finished with your meeting, leave some kind of marketing material behind. Whether you offer a brochure, media kit or a simple business card, be sure to give your potential customers something to remember you.

Once again, really think about the people you are going to meet. What you can offer them that will have the most impact specific to their business needs? Make it easy for them to contact you, and help them solve their problems.

Now, these are just three, quick tips to remember to promote yourself along with your products and services. After all, you only get one chance to make a good, first impression. And if you aren’t polished and prepared, you can bet your competition is!

Do you need help boosting sales, awareness and credibility with small business public relations and SEO copywriting? Please let me know here or at I’d love to hear from you!

(This blog originally posted on StartupNation)

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