Stuck On What To Do Next With Your BtoB Copy?
Where to Begin with Your BtoB Content Marketing Strategy
It’s back-to-school time, and that means the next four months will be full of new marketing campaigns for the holidays and end-of-year budgeting. With this in mind, it may be difficult to know where to begin. Well, it’s all about focusing on a few, key things. Here are…
3 Simple Steps to Start…
1. Figure out your goals.
What do you want to accomplish in the next, four months? Think about how you can use content in various ways to make your goals a reality.
2. Decide on your content-strategy tactics.
Once you know your goals, make a list of the content you are going to use along with the appropriate deadlines.
For example, if you want to boost online awareness with specific keywords, make a list of blog topics using those phrases. Then, decide when you are going to post these blogs (editorial calendar).
If you want to bring in new customers, think about preparing free articles with valuable information and tying this content to an e-mail auto-responder-series.
Now is the time to prepare your action-plan with specifics so you know exactly what kind of content you are writing, how it will be distributed and when, and more!
3. Implement your plan.
Start writing and posting your content! Track the results and test different variations within your content to see what gets the most clicks, brings in the most sales, etc.
If something isn’t working, change it so that you avoid wasting time, money and resources. By the end of the year, you should be able to reach, or even exceed, your goals.
Move forward with your content-marketing strategy now.
If you don’t have a BtoB content-marketing strategy in place now, it’s time to take action. The holiday push for sales and year-end activities will be here before you know it. Create your strategy, implement it and track the results. You’ll be way ahead of the competition and see your sales and awareness increases significantly!
What one step are you going to take today to make your content-marketing strategy a reality?
For additional tips to boost BtoB sales and online awareness, see these entries.