Copy, Shmopy… Why do you need all this content?
Copy is still the ruling king when it comes to business success!
Make sure your site is optimized for the search engines with the right keywords!
Add appropriate SEO words to your social-media campaign!
Create current blogs, newsletters, videos, and other copy!
You see these messages through various mediums all day at work. And while you may be overwhelmed with all of this noise, it’s time to stop avoiding it as there is truth behind this…
Content is Still King.
“70% of B2B marketers are creating more content than they did one year ago, even those who say they are least effective (58%) and those without any type of strategy (56%),” states The Content Marketing Institute’s latest report on “2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends in North America. And “58% of B2B marketers use search engine marketing, making it the paid method used most often to promote/distribute content (they also say it’s the most effective paid method).”
If you are not using content to sell your products and services, you will not be able to compete. Period.
As I mentioned previously, all of your communications are now combined. Just as the door-to-door sales position has died off due to new technology, so have the days of using a single, marketing tool to sell products and services.
In fact, Pew Research reports that, “in 2013, 82% of Americans said they got news on a desktop or laptop and 54% said they got news on a mobile device.” And “beyond that, 35% reported that they get news in this way ‘frequently’ on their desktop or laptop, and 21% on a mobile device (cellphone or tablet).”
Today, all of your communications need to work together to present a brand image and sell products and services via various devices. This includes all of your digital and print sales/marketing materials, Website pages, social-media posts, media-pitches, videos… the list goes on.
And guess what they all have in common? Content!
If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to place more emphasis on your content.
Instead of just being something that you or one of your employees create, the copy about your business needs to have a strategy and tracking behind it. It should be part of an overall, marketing plan and editorial calendar.
Most important, the content needs to actually get customers to buy your products and services… AND make them want to tell their friends about it.
Does your content do that?
If not, here are some questions to ask yourself:
- How do you know if your content is working?
- Are you able to change content right away that is not bringing in results?
- Is your copywriter trained in search-engine-optimization and “writing copy that sells”?
- Does your current, marketing budget focus on content, and if not, what can you do to change this?
Your Customers Want Valuable Content.
Your customers want interesting information, stories, photos, news, and more via their phones, laptops, and other, digital devices. And when they find something they like, they share it with their friends.
Are you giving your customers the content they want right now in the format they use most frequently?
If not, you are definitely losing sales to the competition. Instead of concentrating on “selling,” focus on providing valuable content specific to your customers’ needs. More than ever…it’s not about you. It’s about the content king and his royal subjects!
What are you going to do today to improve your SEO content and bring in more sales?
For more information on boosting sales with SEO content strategy, please click here or contact me here.