Are You Spending Time on Your Words?

Chocolate. Jewelry. Cards. Ethical Roses.

Ahhhh. All nice things for Mother’s Day:

Wait, ethical roses? What the heck is an “ethical rose”?

Well, that’s exactly what I thought when I was driving home from a meeting and listening to a very interesting radio spot.

According to the announcer, we need to buy “ethical roses.”

No, a dozen roses from just any florist or store are not good enough. In fact, you may want to just throw them out if you get them and consider it an insult.

Yeah. Right.

I don’t know about you, but isn’t it difficult enough to remember to plan for holidays when you’re trying to run your business?

Now, we are not supposed to “settle” for regular roses. No. After all, who knows how they were treated?

Snapped off the vine as a mere bud.

Ripped away from family and home never to see another raindrop again.

Stripped of their thorns and left to stand in a depressing bottle of water waiting for delivery.

Oh, the horror!

Good grief. But you know what?

I’ve got to give the agency that came up with this idea a hand.

The advertisement caught my attention, provided a unique niche to stand out against all of the other, holiday commercials, and here I am talking about it.

It just goes to show the importance of words.

People like me, the media and your customers, really do pay attention to what you’re saying.

With this in mind…

  • How much old information is on your Website right now?
  • How many grammatical errors are going out in customer e-mails, newsletters, blogs, and other correspondence?
  • Are your team members using the appropriate language to build buzz about your products and services?

If you don’t have time to check the words being using in your organization, find someone who can review them for you. This is the only way to keep track, and fix, the messaging that your business distributes.

After all, if your competitor is taking the time to create and share memorable phrases like “ethical roses,” they may be stealing your customers, and valuable publicity, from you right now.

Do you need help writing SEO copy for your e-mail auto responders, newsletters, blogs, articles, and more? Please write to me here or at http:///rembrandtwrites/contact/. I’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, have a Happy Mother’s Day! (and please forgive my ignorance about “ethical roses”)


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