Does Your Web Site Sing This Song?

There are a lot of performing arts shows out there today (“Fame,” “Glee,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” “Dancing with the Stars,” etc.), and I love watching the good dancers and singers.

But it made me think about public relations and SEO copywriting. For example, you know how some of the performers warm up singing, “Mi, Mi, Mi:?” Well, this could be the theme song for many of the Web sites out there today!

It’s About the Customer

As an entrepreneur excited about getting the word out about your business, it can be easy to fall into the trap of talking about all of the unique features of your products and services.

You post your new Web site and wait for sales to grow. But in the midst of your excitement, you may have forgotten to answer one very important question:

What’s in it for your customers?

To avoid this mistake, try to keep these things in mind when preparing or reviewing your Web site:

 Is your home page all about you?

When new visitors arrive at your site, are they greeted with a bunch of sentences that start with “We”?

“We have great services,” “We are well known,” “We are a leader in the industry,” Blah, Blah, Blah.

If this sounds familiar, please update your Web site copy so you focus on the customers. Try to help them solve their problems.

 Do you let visitors know they are in the right place?

When first-time visitors arrive at your Home page, they want to know that you can help them and they are in the right place. They also want to find answers fast.
To test your site, have some potential customers, friends, family, associates, or other outsiders review your site. Do they know “what’s in it for them” immediately? Can they find what they need quickly and easily? If not, your site needs updating.

 Is your site user friendly?

Is your home page simple, or do visitors see graphics, ads, videos, links, call-out boxes, and more when they first arrive on your site? While all of this can be high tech and entertaining, it can also distract customers.

Instead of trying to have a “cool” site packed with the latest technology, give customers what they want. Offer short, easy-to-read paragraphs, and stick to one basic message.

Figure out the one action you want site visitors to take on each page of your site, and then make it easy for them to take that action. Whether you want them to sign up for your newsletter, get a free report, call your sales rep, or something else, keep it simple.
Improve Your Site With A Few Quick Changes

These are just a few thoughts on how to improve your Web site and customer experience. As a small business owner, it can be easy to concentrate on your business features and the top items you want to sell. But check your site on a regular basis to make sure your customers’needs are a priority. Keep it simple and user friendly, and you’ll see better results.

And if you just don’t have time to review and update your Web site, you can save a lot of headaches and money by hiring a professional, SEO copywriter. It’s money well spent. You’ll see results, and best of all, you can focus on your core business responsibilities.
Do you have questions about SEO copywriting and boosting sales on your Web site? Please send me a note below or at I’d love to hear from you!

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