It’s the New Year. What are you doing now to be successful later?

Keep it simple and succeed!

It’s the New Year. We all have high hopes for the year ahead and visions of success filling our heads. But how do you actually make those visions a reality? Instead of creating resolutions, it’s time to focus on exactly what you want to achieve this year and make it happen.

To do this, keep it simple. Think of the things that will have the most impact on your business and go from there. This way, you’ll be more likely to follow-through on what you set out to accomplish… and actually see some results.

With this in mind, write down three, simple goals. For example:

  1. Write a blog each week.
  2. Create a monthly, online newsletter.
  3. Check weekly, Web analytics to get to know my customers better.

From there, you can go into more detail. Write down your questions about each goal and figure out how you are going to make it happen. For example:

  1. Write a blog each week.

Do I have time to do this? No.

Do I know how to optimize it for the search engines so that I get the most out of it as possible? No.

What am I going to write about? I will create a list of topics with deadline-dates.

How do I get it posted? I’ll need to get tech help on this one. I’ll find an intern to help me get the process started and then hire an SEO copywriter to ghostwrite for me once funds start to increase.

  1. Create a monthly, online newsletter.

How do I make this happen? I’ll need to find help on this one. I’ll conduct research online and possibly hire an intern to help with the writing and distribution.

What am I going to write about? I’ll talk about our products and services while providing interesting information specific to our target market.

How much is this going to cost? I’ll research various services and see what works best. It may be worthwhile to hire a credible, content marketing solution for this.

  1. Check weekly, Web analytics to get to know my customers better.

Do I know how to do this? Yes. I just need to add it to my calendar so it happens each week.

Do I have time for this? No. I’ll have an intern or virtual assistant look up the information and provide a report of the appropriate information.

What data do I need each week? I’ll want to find out what my customers are looking at most and what content they find most valuable. Also, are my landing pages working?


 If you keep your list limited to your priority goals, you’ll have your initial plan ready in a few minutes. Then, all you need to do is follow-through on your answers Also, remind yourself that you can’t do everything. Your time is important. Even if you have no budget, there are places to get help.

Check with local colleges for interns who want experience. Look for inexpensive, virtual assistants online. Ask friends and family members for help or trade services. There are also business organizations that offer free legal and accounting services. If you really want to make things happen, find a way. Your budget should not keep you from moving forward.

Keep things simple and find assistance. This way, you can focus on your top priorities and actually accomplish your goals.

Now, what are you waiting for? Go make your business dreams a reality!

And if you need help with your SEO content strategy and public relations this year, please contact me here or check out these articles.

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