On Your Mark, Get Set…
Did you know that it’s prime publicity season? Not only will media members be talking about the political campaigns and the economy, but holiday stories will start appearing soon too.
If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to prepare and take full advantage of all the publicity opportunities available. To start, you can:
Figure Out Your Pitches
Take a look at current news stories (and future events and holidays) and try to think of ways your products and services fit into these types of news stories.
Then, create unique story pitches pertinent to targeted media members who cover these particular beats.
Remember, many reporters and producers plan stories in advance so you want to pitch to the right people at the right time to beat deadlines…and the competition.
Prepare a Holiday Package
Is there some way you can create a unique gift package to sell during the holidays?
Think of ways to offer gift certificates, discounts or time-limited offers specifically for the holidays. This way, you’ll have time to prepare your marketing materials, update your website with the appropriate sales landing pages and prepare your publicity efforts around your new, holiday packages.
Review Your Site
When was the last time you updated your website?
If you are not making changes to reflect the current benefits of your products and services on a regular basis, your site needs to be a priority.
Update your newsroom with all of your current stories, product benefits, testimonials, photos, events, etc.
Also, look for ways you can talk to your customers via blogs, newsletters, surveys, online forums, and more. Find out what they want. Then, make it as easy as possible for them to find what they need on your site and make a purchase.
You will probably be surprised at how just a few changes can make a big difference in sales!
It’s Time
Now that summer is coming to a close, it’s time to get back into full work mode and provide your best efforts.
After all, times are tough. And if you don’t prepare and pursue all of the promotional opportunities available, you can bet someone else will.
Thanks for reading, and if there is any way I can help you optimize your website for sales and boost your publicity activities, please write to me below or visit www.rembrandtwrites.com. I’d love to hear from you!