Optimize Your Content for SEO or Miss Out!

Do You Use SEO On All Of Your Content?
If you aren’t optimizing your content with search engine optimization, or SEO, why not? When your content appears at the top of Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines, you will get more site traffic. After all, when was the last time you clicked on the second or third pages of your search results to see what else was there? More than likely, you read a few items on the first page and clicked on what was important to you in a matter of seconds.
Why Search Engine Optimization Still Matters.
Since the top search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and which sites appear where and when, the rankings have lost some credibility over the years. You no longer need to be the first listing on a search engine results page (SERP), but it can definitely help your business if you are near the top because:
• People don’t have time to waste.
If you are looking for a particular product, service, restaurant, movie time, or something else online, you want the information fast. Who has time to go through a multitude of search results, read all of the data and then make a choice from there? If you are among the top search result choices, people will be more likely to click your link.
• Your competition is there.
Let’s say your competitors appear at the top of online searches for keywords related to your products and services in the local area, and you don’t. Potential customers (and media members reporting stories) are going to contact them first. In fact, they might not even know you are a potential choice for their specific needs!
• You make a better impression.
If you appear at the top of a search results, you instantly get a little more credibility. After all, you must be doing something right (or at least provide current and valuable information) to appear there instead of on page 15, right?
Now, you may think, “Yes, this is all true. But, I don’t have the funds to spend on search engine optimization (SEO), I got burned before trying to implement it, I don’t really know what it is, etc.” This makes you nervous. Well, it’s all about finding the right people to help you. There doesn’t need to be a lot of technical mumbo jumbo involved, and I’m not talking about paid advertisements. I’m talking about organic top rankings.
To start, find someone who is an expert at SEO who can help you understand the basics. This includes knowing:
• What keywords are and how to use them appropriately in headlines, sub-titles, and the body of your content.
• How to add appropriate descriptions, titles, alt tags for images, links, and more.
• Why backlinks, site speed, the way things are written, and more affect your rankings.
You’ll find that SEO concepts are not that difficult to comprehend… just somewhat time-consuming to implement. But, if you learn the basics and understand how it works, you can make all of your content search-friendly upfront (or have someone else do it for you).
Why spend time writing and posting content and NOT have it be search-engine friendly?
By adding SEO to your content, you can appear higher on the search engines and have a competitive edge. It doesn’t need to be expensive or difficult so give it a try! Do you need help with your SEO and don’t know where to turn?