How Scary is Your BtoB Marketing?

You may be frightening customers away…  Are your content marketing sales scary?

It’s time for Halloween, and this begs the question… is your business in a frightful state or doing well?

If things aren’t looking so good, it’s time to put in that extra effort to make things happen.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Create a special, eReport or Infographic for your customers.

Think about what your customers want right now and create a report or Infographic relative to this topic. You want to provide valuable, credible and unique information without being sales-oriented.

  1. Review your content strategy.

What’s going on with your current, marketing content?

Is it working?

Are people actually reading it and purchasing products and services?

Track your content and see what is doing well. Then, offer more of that content. If you don’t track you’re the marketing messages you are putting out there, how do you know whether or not they are working?

  1. Promote your business.

When was the last time you distributed a press release announcing news about your business? If it has been more than a month, it’s time to create a press release and distribute it online and share it with your customers.

If you don’t provide valuable news about your business on a regular basis, you will tend to look old and stale. Plus, your news will appear on the search engines and help to build online awareness Instead, promote something important and be newsworthy!

Move From Scary to Success!

These are just a few, quick tips to help generate some sales this month. By taking the time to review your analytics, update your content strategy and tell people about your news, you can help reach your goals. After all, you want to be scared by goblins, ghosts and more this October 31st… not sales numbers!

What are you going to do today to help increase sales for your business?

Not sure? Feel free to contact me here for help and check out these BtoB content-marketing-strategy tips.