SEO Copywriting with PR Boosts Sales Fast
An article in BtoB Online at, stresses the fact that traditional public relations activities are an important part of marketing and sales.
During tough economic times, it’s important to keep marketing messages in front of target audiences. If you don’t, your competition will.
And this can be tough if you are working with a tight budget. But by using SEO keywords, you can stick to your budget while boosting sales.
Optimize your press release with SEO keywords.
Now, this may seem foreign to many of you. But if you have a little extra time, you can get a lot more out of your press releases in just a few simple steps:
1. Use a free keyword tool like or to find the most popular keywords for your industry and target market.
2. Place the keywords into your press releases a few times.
3. Use a free tool like the one at to check your keyword count.
4. Post your release on free sites and through a press release service like And see the results!
Be taking a few minutes to optimize your release with SEO keywords, you can save money while attracting more people to your site. It’s definitely worth the effort!
Do you need help with your SEO optimization and online copywriting? Please let me know here or at I’d love to help you increase sales!