Stop that SEO Resolution Now!
What are you thinking?
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution for your search engine optimization (SEO) activities? If so, why? We all know that the chances of keeping a resolution are slim. Instead, why not make SEO goals for the year?
By setting goals, you can plan specific activities and timelines to actually make things happen. For example:
- Research your keywords and finalize your list by 12/31/13.
Do you know what keywords your target audience-members are actually typing into the search engines to find your types of products and services?
Do you know what keywords your competition is using?
If you don’t know, it’s time to find out. Conduct research, or hire an experienced SEO professional, and make a list of your top keywords. This way, you’ll target the words that will actually bring in new customers.
- Update your Website with your new SEO keywords by 2/28/13.
Once you have a set of good, SEO keywords to use, it’s time to revise your site. Make a list of the key pages on your site. (These may be the pages that have the most site visits or list the benefits that your business offers.) Now, rewrite the copy on these pages with your new SEO keywords using the appropriate headlines, subheads and links.
You’ll also need to update the back-end tags of each of these pages with the appropriate SEO copy. This is time-consuming, but it’s important to write copy that provides value to your site visitors. Otherwise, the search engines will pass you by… and so will new customers.
- Make the New SEO changes on your site live by 3/15/13.
When your pages are updated and ready to go live, post the new content. Then, monitor the results.
How many people are clicking on your pages and when?
Are the search engines finding your new content?
What kind of feedback are you receiving from customers?
Once SEO changes are made, it’s essential to review the results and change the copy that is not working. SEO is an ongoing process.
You Get The Idea.
Now, wouldn’t you be more inclined to see results from this list of specific activities rather than just giving a blanket statement like, “My resolution is to increase site visitors”? By writing down what you want to accomplish and the timelines and steps it will take to make those goals a reality, you’ll see much better results.
You can significantly increase site visitors and sales with SEO by this time next year. But your odds of achieving this with a simple resolution are slim. Instead, make solid goals and be responsible for taking the actions necessary to make them a reality.
Do you need help with your SEO activities? Please write to me here or click here for more SEO tips.