Slim Down Your SEO Site this Summer
As you enjoy these hot days of summer, you are probably spending more time at the beach or pool. Have you noticed the people who could be a little more slim and trim? Heck! After all the summer ice cream I’ve been eating, I could use to lose a few pounds too! Well, this same idea goes for your Website.
Is it as slim and trim as it needs to be to bring in sales?
If not, here are some things you can do now to get your writing in better shape…
1. Trim the extras.
While it’s nice to have a few graphics on your Website, please don’t go overboard. Keep your Website simple with a single message on each page. Let site visitors know exactly “what’s in it for them” the second they land on your Home page.
Then, guide them where you want them to go. If you have too many graphics and clutter on your site, you may cause confusion and lose business.
2. Slim down your copy.
Take a look at the SEO copy on your Website and in your marketing materials.
Do you use short paragraphs and simple sentences?
Do you include titles and sub-titles to break up your copy into various sections?
If not, make some changes. You want your copy to be as easy to read as possible. Provide valuable information, but keep it short and sweet.
3. Add some zip to your site.
If you don’t have any videos on your Website, you are missing out on a great opportunity to share information with customers. Either have people send in videos talking about your business or make your own video about something cool going on at your business.
Have fun with it. Today’s online customers want to see videos and your business in action. Give them what they want! Just make sure your videos are professional looking and provide a good impression. And be sure to add the appropriate tagging for the search engines.
It’s Time to Look and Feel Good!
While you enjoy the summer, also think about preparing your SEO copy for the busy work months ahead. Make sure your Website conveys a simple message site visitors can understand quickly and easily, and give them valuable and interesting information they can use. With just a few changes, you can improve your copy, and sales, significantly. Now, off to the gym to work off that ice cream!
For more help with your SEO copywriting, see these articles.