What is BtoB Content Strategy and Why Do You Need It?
SEO copywriting is just part of a bigger, marketing picture
Are you using BtoB Content Strategy to boost sales?
“SEO is important. Be sure to optimize your site for the search engines.”
“Update your content and social media postings on a regular basis.”
“Send out SEO press releases to get noticed online.”
Content is a big deal. In fact, “91% of BtoB marketers use content marketing” and “78% of CMOs see custom content as the future of marketing,” states Demand Metric.
But what is BtoB Content Strategy anyway, and do you really need it?
Basically, if you sell products and services to another business, BtoB content strategy refers to all of the content you use to market and promote your business… and how, when and why you do so.
Right now, do you have a specific plan for your content?
If not, you need a BtoB content strategy. How else are you going to track what content is working and what isn’t?
And don’t worry. It doesn’t need to be difficult. To get started, you can…
Create a Simple BtoB Content Strategy in 3 Steps
1. Decide on your goals.
What do you want to accomplish with your business content?
Do you want to attract new customers, reach a specific audience, increase sales, boost online awareness, or something else?
Write down your specific, content goals.
2. Make a creative list.
What content is going to help you accomplish your goals and reach your target market?
Write down ideas for blogs and other social media, press releases, articles, tip sheets, Infographics, surveys, contests, videos, advertising, and more. Your content-ideas are only limited by your imagination.
3. Make an editorial calendar and take action!
Once you know what you are trying to accomplish and the type of content you are going to use to meet your goals, create a calendar of the year ahead. Then, write down the content you are going to write about and when.
Also include your SEO keywords, people responsible for the content and your goals for each piece of content. Then, share this editorial calendar with your team, and take action on the content and deadlines you’ve created.
BtoB Content Strategy Can Mean the Different Between Success and Failure
The great thing about BtoB Content Strategy is that it gives you an action plan to follow. Plus, you can check your Google Analytics and sales reports to see what content is working and what isn’t… and make changes as needed.
If you don’t have a BtoB content strategy, and just post content without an editorial calendar or plan, how are you going to measure results?
While this may take extra time and effort, it’s not difficult. And trust me, if you’re not managing your content for the best results possible, your competition is going to steal customers away from you.
People want relevant content they can share, and the search engines want your site to provide value. Why not give them what they want and grow your business in the process?
What ideas are you going to add to your BtoB Content Strategy today to boost sales?
For help with your BtoB Content Strategy, check out these entries, or write to me here.