Who Are You Working With?

If you are trying to save money and start the New Year off right, there may be a secret problem lurking in your business.

With the stress of trying to balance a budget, pay bills, obtain new customers, and have a life outside of the office, it can be easy to overlook one key element of your success ““ your team members.

With this in mind, try to review your team members before the end of the year. This includes internal employees, outsourced services, freelancers, and all of the people who contribute to sales.

Are you getting the results you want from each?

Now, most of your folks are probably doing a great job in order to keep their jobs and see your company succeed. But you may find a hidden source that is bringing down sales.

Perhaps it is a service you’ve been using for years out of necessity or convenience?

Or maybe it’s an employee who is burned out and needs some inspiration?

To discover any “negative” areas and make positive changes, ask yourself these questions:

When was the last time this source really helped your business reach goals?

  • Does this source have the appropriate background and expertise now to get your business to the next level of success?
  • Is there another service out there that is more affordable and effective that can do the same thing?
  • What is the office culture? Do all of the team members enjoy what they are doing? If not, what can I do to motivate them in 2010?

Your answers to these questions may reveal some surprising results that you’ve overlooked. With this in mind, try to take a few minutes now to review all of your services and team members. Then, communicate and take the appropriate action to make improvements and any necessary changes.

Who knows? You may be able to find, and fix, the one “bad seed” that can lead to fast business growth and prosperity in 2010.

Do you need help with your marketing,  public relations and SEO copywriting strategies for 2010? Please let me know here or at www.rembrandtwrites.com. Thanks!

Published on StartupNation.com 12/11/09

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