Category Archives for "Writing Tips"

Are You Twittering Valuable Tweets?

If you’ve entered the world of Twitter,, you know there is a lot of junk out there: people telling you what they ate for breakfast, what happened at the dentist, the cute thing their child said yesterday: you know what I’m talking about. Now, many of these Tweets really are for the birds and […]

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Too Many Tweets are for the Birds!

Are you overwhelmed with social media? I’ve been pretty active with all of the various, social media venues out there, and they can really take up a lot of time and effort. Just this morning, I received about 30 followers on my Twitter account before my first cup of coffee! With this in mind, here […]

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Stop the Stress-Tips to Find Work

  Things are crazy right now, but it’s not the time to give up. Instead, it’s time to work a little harder and be more creative.   There are businesses out there hiring workers and paying for new services. It’s just a matter of finding them and fulfilling their needs.   Here are a few […]

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Spring Forward with SEO Copywriting

Did you spring forward with Daylight Savings Time on Sunday? I usually love the longer days, but I had to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch a flight on Monday so it was pretty ugly…but I’m in much better shape today! Anyway, this time change can act as a reminder to jumpstart our lives. […]

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Paying attention to your website copy?

When was the last time you reviewed the copy on your website? Did you update it recently? If not, you are probably losing out on sales and building relationships with new customers. Take a quick look at your site and ask yourself these questions: 1. Is the information stale? 2. Does it look like our […]

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