Duct Tape Marketing Interview with John Jantsch

John Jantsch, author of “Duct Tape Marketing“ and well-known marketing speaker, took a few minutes to share his thoughts on small business PR with me.

Here are his comments:

In your book, “Duct Tape Marketing,” you mention that PR is a “primary plank of your overall lead generation foundation.” Why do you think PR is so important to small business owners?

The fact is that some prospects find an article about your firm in a magazine much more compelling than an ad in the same publication. The third-party endorsement is big. In addition, it really helps resell your existing customers.

How do marketing efforts work with publicity campaigns to build business sales?

A good publicity strategy takes two tactics. Find and develop stories that support the firm’s core marketing messages and support specific initiatives like a sales promotion that partners with a non-profit organization.

How can small business owners develop good stories for the media to help increase positive awareness and credibility?

Understand that journalists don’t care about your business. They care about what their readers care about. Pitch stories that can help their readers get more of what they want. Usually, short of true, earth-shattering news, stories exist not in what you do, but how you do it. Your college reimbursement policy might be an interesting story. Your new product launch may not.

How can new entrepreneurs become good story-sources for reporters?

Read, contribute and be a resource. You probably get more specific information about your industry than a reporter cares to read. Send good content, comment on stories and point out data. Think in terms of giving before you ever try to pitch the big story. Use RSS tools to get a quick view of everything that your targeted journalists are writing about.

What RSS and PR tools do you recommend small business owners use in their publicity efforts?

Google News using the RSS subscribe, Bloglines to subscribe to and read RSS feeds, MySyndicaat to mash together lots of feeds into one custom feed, and FeedBurnerto enhance and easily republish feeds on your web site.

What tips can you provide small business owners who are new to talking to reporters?

Think of them as a target market. They must come to know, like and trust you before you will make much headway. They are often underpaid and overworked. How can you make their job easier? Prove you are a resource – not a pain in the butt.

What marketing tools do you think work best with PR efforts to increase sales cost-effectively?

Make sure you are using all the online PR tools in conjunction with your more traditional outreach. Links back from PR distribution sites can add valuable Google juice.

What action steps can people take now to start their public relations efforts?

Build a media list that makes sense. Don’t forget to include outreach to organizations, associations and school alumni newsletters. These publications are desperate for content and starting small is often the best way to get some PR momentum

What other tips and inspiration can you offer small business owners regarding their marketing and PR activities?

Write a one-page press release at least once a month and send it to your media list AND your customer and key prospects. You’ll be surprised what these extra touches will do for you.

You can read more about John and his book at Duct Tape Marketing. And if you need publicity help, have questions or would like to provide feedback, please contact me at info@. I’d love to hear from you! Thanks!

(original interview posted at my Nielsen Small Business Resource Center Blog)

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Working at Home on the Internet - May 30, 2008 Reply

[…] presents Duct Tape Marketing Interview with John Jantsch posted at Rembrandt’s PR and Writing Blog for Startup Success, saying, “Get valuable PR […]

Internet Business Blog Carnival - 16th Edition | Internet Business Opportunities | oibo dot org - June 1, 2008 Reply

[…] presents Duct Tape Marketing Interview with John Jantsch posted at Rembrandt’s PR and Writing Blog for Startup Success, saying, “Get valuable PR […]

Cyndi - October 28, 2008 Reply

You write very well.

rembrandtwrites - October 28, 2008 Reply

Thanks Cyndi. I appreciate your nice comments!

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