Got Stress? How a PR and SEO Copywriter Manages It

What a crazy week! Just as I got out of bed at 4:00 a.m. ready to work on my upcoming book about PR, I’m deep into crisis management:

A blogger posted some nasty comments about my client’s site (for no particular reason).
A WSJ reporter cancelled his story featuring my client at the last minute. (Total bummer!)
Another client was called into jury duty ““ at exactly the same time as a live radio interview.

Time to act fast and take care of all these issues ““ all before my first cup of coffee!

But, no worries. This is all part of the roller coaster of public relations, and I’m always ready to take action.

How about you?

How do you react when everything happens at once?

Do you stress out, or do you take control of the situation?

Want to know my secrets? Here are a few thoughts:

1. Work in advance.

If you have a crazy schedule, and things are constantly being thrown at you, try to prepare as much as you can in advance. Create a work schedule, and try to stick to it. And if things start to get out of control, work early in the morning or late in the evening.

By being one step ahead of your deadlines, it will be easy to deal with spur-of-the-moment issues and stay on track with all of your other work.

2. Get help.

Are you spending too much time on administrative functions that don’t focus on your core, business strengths? If so, try to outsource these duties to a virtual assistant, intern or employee.

It may cost more, but in the long-run, you’ll save time and grow your business faster. Plus, you’ll lighten your workload and reduce stress.

3. Don’t worry about the small stuff.

When things really get overwhelming, think about what really matters in life. If a media story doesn’t go through, you lose a client, someone criticizes your work, or other negative activities happen, don’t sweat it.

After all, many things are out of your control. Learn from your mistakes, and try to look at disappointments as an opportunity to try something new and make a fresh start. There’s a lot to be said about staying positive!

Well, there goes my phone. Hopefully, it’s good news. If not, I’ll be able to handle it!

Do you have questions about your public relations and SEO activities? Please let me know here or at I’d love to hear from you!

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Got Stress? How a PR and SEO Copywriter Manages It | Rembrandt's Blog « Public Relation - May 7, 2009 Reply

[…] See t­h­e or­igin­a­l post­:  G­ot Stress? How a P­R an­­d SEO C­op­ywriter Man­­ag­e… […]

Got Stress? How a PR and SEO Copywriter Manages It | Rembrandt's Blog « Public Relation - May 7, 2009 Reply

[…] See t­h­e or­igin­a­l post­:  G­ot Stress? How a P­R an­­d SEO C­op­ywriter Man­­ag­e… […]

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