How Is Your Holiday Marketing Going?

BtoB owners boost sales this holiday season with holiday marketing that works

No Stress Tips To Boost Sales This Holiday Season

It’s HEEEERE! The holiday marketing season is in full swing. Have you already started your promotions, or are you just now turning your thoughts to what you need to do to sell more?

Either way, here are a few quick tips to help you get better results and improve holiday sales.

3 Quick and Cost-Effective Holiday Marketing Tips to Improve Sales This Season

1. Create a One-of-A-Kind Offer.

To start, think about something that you can give your customers that no one else can. While it doesn’t need to be expensive, it should be something that they care about and provides value to them.

For instance, you can offer free gift wrapping, a stress-reducing neck massage, a holiday discount or giveaway, a referral/bring-a-friend special, bundled products just for the holidays (on your own or working with complementary businesses/charities in the area) … the list is endless.

Take the time to create some great holiday offers specifically for your target market. Then…

2. Get the word out.

You don’t need to spend a fortune on marketing. Instead, begin with your current list of customers and let them know what you have to offer.

Begin by posting the information on your site, in your physical store and on all of your social media channels. Make some new videos about your offer and send out personalized emails.

To speed up the process, ask AI for help writing your content, and then add your own personality and flair to the copy.

In addition to your social media posts, mail (yes, via snail mail and the U.S. Post Office!) your target market a postcard or letter telling them about your offer. You’ll stand out from the competition and all of the online clutter.

Track all of the responses to see what works best. Then, rinse and repeat.

3. Talk to the media.

Do you have some interesting information to share with the media about holiday sales, trends, shopping tips, and more?

Are you holding an exciting and unique event with a local charity to help those in need this holiday season?

As an expert in your industry, call your local newspaper, radio and television reporters and let them know you have a story idea specifically for their audience.

You may get some free publicity out of this single call. If not, at least you’ve made a connection for future stories and coverage!

The Holiday Marketing Season Is Here!

Ready or not, it’s here. Just remain calm and get your plan together.

Develop creative offers for your customers and then figure out how you will convey the information to them via social media, email, direct mail, in-person, and other methods. Contact the media with valuable story ideas and track all of your responses. Then, repeat what works best.

Before you know it, you’ll have a full holiday marketing process in place that brings value to your customers, the local community and your bank account!

Do you want more tips and insights to boost sales, awareness and credibility? Check on these super short videos!

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