How to Write a Press Release
When it comes to press releases, many new entrepreneurs don’t know where to begin. Well, it doesn’t need to be difficult. Keep in mind that a press release is simply a document you send to media members to announce some kind of news or event. It should be truthful, user-friendly and newsworthy.
To get a good idea of how an effective press release looks and sounds, review those written by competing companies and successful organizations. Now, writing a good press release that creates results takes time and skill so you may want to hire an experienced freelancer to help you.
Also note that most of your publicity is going to come from picking up the phone and pitching your story ideas directly to the media. But if you want to write a press release now, here are a few simple tips to help you get started:
· Review official press releases.
Look at the press releases at PR Newswire, and BusinessWire, You’ll find releases written in the official, Associated Press Style Guide format. You can use this press-release structure as a guideline.
· Start with a headline.
Write a brief statement in the present tense that communicates your news. Avoid clichés and get to the point. Readers should understand what you are trying to say immediately and want to learn more. And when possible, include a sub-headline that provides additional, valuable information.
· Keep important data at the top.
If you want people to actually read your press release, be sure to include all of your key points in the first paragraph (with your web address). Plus, many sites only collect and reprint the first sentence of a press releases so it’s very important to include the “why will anyone care about this” information first.
· Add a boiler plate.
At the very end of your press release, include a brief paragraph about your business (the boiler plate). This content gives readers the information they need to know about your organization. Always include your website, phone and e-mail address so that readers know how to reach you quickly and easily.
· Focus on benefits, not features.
Throughout your press release, write content that your target audience will find interesting. How will people benefit from this news? What’s in it for them?
And insert quotes that have meaning. Please avoid blatant statements like “We are excited about this partnership.” Of course you are excited about the news, but why will the reader care? Offer valuable statistics and information in all of your quotes whenever possible.
· Review your work.
When you finish your release, take the time to check it for spelling and grammatical mistakes, factual errors, tone, and newsworthiness. Have others proof it as well. Trust me. This is time well spent. Once the release is plastered all over the Internet, you cannot make necessary changes.
Obviously, these are just a few key points on writing a press release, and I’ll provide more tips in future blog entries. In the meantime, feel free to send me your ideas, comments and suggestions at I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!