Are you following these steps to advance your career and make more money? Recently, I was looking for BtoB content writers and requested applications. It’s amazing what people sent to me… the good, the bad, and the (very) ugly. Let’s just say that the applicants who followed directions accordingly were placed in the “possible” pile. […]
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Are you guilty of these 5 copywriting sins? Over the last twenty-plus years as an SEO copywriter and BtoB content strategist, I’ve seen good writing and terrible writing. I’ve seen excellent job-applications and pathetic attempts at getting hired. I’ve seen new copywriters miss opportunities and experienced writers ruin working relationships. And after spending hours […]
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Happy Independence Day from Ranking Stress! It’s summer, and that means you’ll want to spend more time away from your office. But with all of the recent SEO news about the search engines changing their algorithms, you may think you need to put in more hours to study these changes and act accordingly. Well, I […]
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Writing copy that sells is not a passing trend. While there is a lot of hype now about BtoC and BtoB Content Marketing and Content Strategy, these processes have been around for a long time… just with different names. And there is no need for confusion. Let’s keep it simple… What is content marketing? It’s […]
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Time to provide valuable information to boost new, customer sales today. You are ready to start your content marketing strategy with some great blogs. You turn on computer, open Word, and get ready to write. Then, you wait. The keyboard beckons for you to strike a key. Inspiration is calling. But. Nothing. Happens. Your mind […]
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The key to successful, BtoB content is credibility. Yes, you want to share a great tips and insights in your BtoB content including your blogs, Website copy, e-mail campaigns, articles, newsletters, and more. But are you forgetting a key aspect that will make potential customers actually listen to what you have to say and buy […]
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