Category Archives for "PPC Ads"

You have great, BtoB content. Now what?

It’s time to turn all of that copy into sales via content strategy! What’s your BtoB Content Strategy, Anyway? News flash. It’s 2015 and time to use your BtoB content to get the best results possible. Sure, you have great blogs, expert insights, social-media posts, articles, newsletters, and more. You have pages and pages of […]

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Copy, Shmopy… Why do you need all this content?

Copy is still the ruling king when it comes to business success! Make sure your site is optimized for the search engines with the right keywords! Add appropriate SEO words to your social-media campaign! Create current blogs, newsletters, videos, and other copy! You see these messages through various mediums all day at work. And while […]

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Time to Plan for Success!

Reflect on the Year and Plan for Future Success Since December is here, it’s time to reflect on the past year. Most of us will be busy with holiday celebrations this month, but it’s important to take a few minutes to review your activities from the past year. This way, you can figure out what […]

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