Tag Archives for " http://wordpress.com/tag/media relations "

How to Increase Sales in 3 Steps

If you want new business, here are three quick tips that may help you boost your customer-list fast: 1. Make a list. Check it twice. Look through all of your contacts and review the people you’ve met in your industry or at various conferences, local business meetings, presentations, etc. Then, make a list.  Research each […]

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Why Aren’t People Reading Your Blog?

Many new clients tell me that they have a blog, but no one is reading it. Other clients ask me if they need a blog. Well, if you have a blog, or are wondering if you need one, you may have these questions: What’s the point? Before you start writing, figure out why you want […]

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Are You Twittering Valuable Tweets?

If you’ve entered the world of Twitter, www.twitter.com, you know there is a lot of junk out there: people telling you what they ate for breakfast, what happened at the dentist, the cute thing their child said yesterday: you know what I’m talking about. Now, many of these Tweets really are for the birds and […]

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How to Avoid PR Disappointment

After you send out a press release, pitch a reporter or do an interview, I find it’s always best not to get too excited about a potential media placement until it actually happens. After all, breaking news, editing, lack of space, or numerous other factors out of your control can keep your story from actually […]

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