Tag Archives for " online copywriting "

Spring Forward with SEO Copywriting

Did you spring forward with Daylight Savings Time on Sunday? I usually love the longer days, but I had to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch a flight on Monday so it was pretty ugly…but I’m in much better shape today! Anyway, this time change can act as a reminder to jumpstart our lives. […]

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Customer Service 101

Have you ever called a potential vendor to ask a question only to have your ear talked off and never really get an answer? Or have you ever left a voice message for someone with a great opportunity, and that person never calls you back? This is customer service 101, and it amazes me how […]

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Paying attention to your website copy?

When was the last time you reviewed the copy on your website? Did you update it recently? If not, you are probably losing out on sales and building relationships with new customers. Take a quick look at your site and ask yourself these questions: 1. Is the information stale? 2. Does it look like our […]

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Boost Awareness in 5 Minutes!

Do you have five minutes?   If you have five minutes, you can help boost awareness for your business online!   Here are three quick things you can do in about five minutes. Pick your favorite:   1. Enter information on a forum or blog. Visit an online forum or blog where your target market […]

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Focus to Succeed

If you are a busy entrepreneur, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with answering e-mails, accounting work, and other simple tasks. But if you are not careful, this “busy work” can cause profits to decline and physical illness. To stay on top of things, try to remind yourself about the things that are truly […]

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