Talked to Your PR and Marketing Teams, Lately? You’re in charge of all tech innovation at your B2B, and as the CIO, you are probably analytical and love statistics. Therefore, you probably don’t deal with the “creative, right-brain-oriented” communications people at your organization very often. Now, I may be wrong, but if you don’t talk […]
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If you are currently worried about finances, you may want to review your public-relations efforts and look into getting outside help. Think it’s too expensive? Well, you could be wasting time and money by continuing your current, publicity activities! By hiring a PR consultant who acts as an extension of your team and actually cares […]
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Do you think of social media first when it comes to word-of-mouth-marketing? Well, before you start tweeting, posting photos on Facebook and adding videos to YouTube, tell your story to the media. After all, if your business is featured in a major news-story on radio, television, print, or online, you can build buzz while obtaining […]
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Congratulations! You’ve made it through the unique challenges 2009 had to offer small business owners, and now it’s time to celebrate. With this in mind, here are a few tips to have a G-R-E-A-T holiday: G: Give Back To The Community. Volunteer to help a local charity. Donate your used clothing and other items to […]
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If you are trying to save money and start the New Year off right, there may be a secret problem lurking in your business. With the stress of trying to balance a budget, pay bills, obtain new customers, and have a life outside of the office, it can be easy to overlook one key element […]
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As a new business owner, it’s easy to rush through publicity efforts in order to concentrate or core business activities and priorities. But before you contact the media or post a press release, ask yourself if the information you’re about to send is really newsworthy. Will a reporter really care about what you have to […]
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