Sales Await! You have your morning cup of coffee, turn on your computer and look at all of your e-mails and “To Do” list. Then, that gnawing feeling hits you. You need to post something on all of your social-media channels again. Ugh! It’s never-ending. What to post? Where do you find information to share? […]
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You may be wasting time, money and resources on all that copywriting You hire an experienced copywriter to write your BtoB content. You have some excellent newsletters, blogs, e-mails, and articles going out on a regular basis. But do you know if your customers are actually reading it? Here are some ways to find out […]
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Is all that copywriting time and effort really worth it? What you think is a B2B content strategy may not be. You have different authors creating content with various styles and tones. You cover various topics and you post new content each week. You are on a roll, and everything is moving along… or is […]
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Are you guilty of these 5 copywriting sins? Over the last twenty-plus years as an SEO copywriter and BtoB content strategist, I’ve seen good writing and terrible writing. I’ve seen excellent job-applications and pathetic attempts at getting hired. I’ve seen new copywriters miss opportunities and experienced writers ruin working relationships. And after spending hours […]
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Time to provide valuable information to boost new, customer sales today. You are ready to start your content marketing strategy with some great blogs. You turn on computer, open Word, and get ready to write. Then, you wait. The keyboard beckons for you to strike a key. Inspiration is calling. But. Nothing. Happens. Your mind […]
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The key to successful, BtoB content is credibility. Yes, you want to share a great tips and insights in your BtoB content including your blogs, Website copy, e-mail campaigns, articles, newsletters, and more. But are you forgetting a key aspect that will make potential customers actually listen to what you have to say and buy […]
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