Does Your Target Market Know About You? If not, public relations can get you the attention you desire! Smart business owners know that that one good story in the media can help boost awareness, bring in new customers/patients and provide a competitive edge fast. This is all part of the power of PR, or public […]
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With all of the ugly economic-news, the recent earthquakes and the snow and rain, it can be easy to feel sad. But the good news is: the economy can get better, you can prepare for natural disasters, and spring is just days away: And best of all, you are in charge of your own feelings. […]
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We are starting 2010 in a challenging, economic environment. But it’s not the time to give up and stop pursuing your career goals and dream lifestyle. Instead, use this negativity as a driving force to promote yourself and make things better for you and your family in the future. “Companies always need people who know […]
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There are a lot of performing arts shows out there today (“Fame,” “Glee,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” “Dancing with the Stars,” etc.), and I love watching the good dancers and singers. But it made me think about public relations and SEO copywriting. For example, you know how some of the performers warm up […]
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Recently, I searched for a photographer to take new publicity photos. The whole process turned into a priority since my online photos were getting older and older. Based on my experience, I want to share a few tips with you. Conduct the appropriate research. Instead of just opening the local phone book and picking a […]
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Have you ever been listening to an online seminar, speaker at an event or tele-seminar, and someone asks a really lame question? For example, I was recently watching a presentation related to online marketing tips from one of the top experts in the industry. The host opened the floor for questions, and someone got […]
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