Tag Archives for " SEO "

3 Free Publicity Tools to Boost Sales Now!

Do you want to boost sales, credibility and awareness fast without spending money? Do-it-yourself PF is the way to go. Here are my top three suggestions for starting your publicity campaign now: 1. Make that call. Most new entrepreneurs are nervous about picking up the phone. But when it comes to reaching out to media […]

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Why Isn’t Your Publicity Working?

Yesterday afternoon, I received another call from a small business owner who hired a publicist and received little to no results. And another entrepreneur e-mailed me to tell me that his press release didn’t capture any media attention…so with this in mind, what happened? What Makes Public Relations Work? If your PR activities are not […]

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Turn Strange Hours into Productive Times

For the last few weeks, I’ve been getting up at 4:00 a.m. and working well into the evening. Why? I’m writing a book with an aggressive deadline schedule from my publisher. And with my regular, public relations and SEO copywriting activities for my clients, and all of my blogs, this was the only time available […]

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Stop the Stress-Tips to Find Work

  Things are crazy right now, but it’s not the time to give up. Instead, it’s time to work a little harder and be more creative.   There are businesses out there hiring workers and paying for new services. It’s just a matter of finding them and fulfilling their needs.   Here are a few […]

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Paying attention to your website copy?

When was the last time you reviewed the copy on your website? Did you update it recently? If not, you are probably losing out on sales and building relationships with new customers. Take a quick look at your site and ask yourself these questions: 1. Is the information stale? 2. Does it look like our […]

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