You post interesting tweets every day and add to your Facebook pages up to five times a day. People seem to like your posts, and you are obtaining a following. Good for you! But it may be time to take a closer look at your social media efforts. After all, you may be forgetting one […]
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Congratulations! You just spoke to a top reporter with a major publication, and the feature story is due out in one month: so what do you do now? Well, I’m sure you would like to yell it from the rooftops and tell everyone you know. But before you do, here are three things to keep […]
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I’m swamped with new client work, optimizing Web sites and SEO copywriting this week, so I’ll keep it short. But I wanted to share a question with you that I’m asked often: How often do I need to update my website? Well, the answer is, if you have not updated your website in the last […]
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Even if things are still rough with the economy, this is not the time to sit around and get depressed by the latest news. Instead, it’s time to take action. Do you want some free publicity within the next two weeks? Here’s what you can do right now: Research. If you don’t already have it, […]
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The world of traditional media is changing, and if you want to use the full power of public relations to boost sales, awareness and credibility, you need to change with it. But where do you start? With all of the news about Twitter, Facebook and other social-media technologies, it can be overwhelming. But if you […]
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If you’ve entered the world of Twitter,, you know there is a lot of junk out there: people telling you what they ate for breakfast, what happened at the dentist, the cute thing their child said yesterday: you know what I’m talking about. Now, many of these Tweets really are for the birds and […]
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