What Image Do You Convey Via Social Media? Research indicates that you can decrease loneliness and depression by limiting the amount of time you are on social media. For example, a study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that by reducing the amount of time spent on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to […]
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Or are you just posting and wasting time? Recently, Copyblogger killed its Facebook page, and Bob Bly wrote this interesting article in Target Marketing, “B-to-B Insights: Return to Sender”. It’s something to think about. Are you just posting on social media because it’s there and you think you need to? Or, is it actually providing […]
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Every day, there seems to be some kind of new technology or app out there to help you run your business. This one will increase productivity. That one will help your customers find your business online. Yet, another one will help you save time and money. As a new entrepreneur, it can be impossible to […]
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As a small business owner, you’ve heard all about the benefits of having a blog for search engine optimization (SEO) and getting noticed online. But just because everyone else has a blog doesn’t necessarily mean you should write one too. Here are: The Top 5 Reasons You Should Not Write a Blog. 1. You are […]
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If you are actively involved in your social media activities as I mentioned in previous posts, then you may have trouble coming up with new and exciting tweets to share with your customers on a daily basis. However, there is a simple fix for this. Remember, social media is about being social and interaction. When […]
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As a small business owner, you are probably inundated with news about the latest, social media trends. There is facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and more. Do you have this feeling that you should get involved with it but just aren’t sure? Well, here are: 3 Ways to Know Whether or Not You Should Get […]
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