Category Archives for "Business"

5 Simple Tips for Successful Change Right Now

We are starting 2010 in a challenging, economic environment.  But it’s not the time to give up and stop pursuing your career goals and dream lifestyle. Instead, use this negativity as a driving force to promote yourself and make things better for you and your family in the future. “Companies always need people who know […]

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Are You Doing This One, Key Thing to Bring in Sales?

In the process of promoting your products and services to potential customers, are you also promoting yourself? Competition is fierce today, and people want more for their money. This means that they are not just looking at products and services ““ but the people behind the businesses as well. With this in mind, what kind […]

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Why Aren’t People Reading Your Blog?

Many new clients tell me that they have a blog, but no one is reading it. Other clients ask me if they need a blog. Well, if you have a blog, or are wondering if you need one, you may have these questions: What’s the point? Before you start writing, figure out why you want […]

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How to Work with the Media for Free Publicity

You’ve got an interview scheduled with a key media venue. Great! To have a good experience and improve your chances of being quoted correctly, follow these helpful tips: 1) Know your company. – Review your company’s website, history and key events. – Understand your company’s marketing messages, key practices, products, and services. Confirm confidential information […]

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