Read the rest of my exclusive interview with the CEO and editorial director of Pink,, at Get her tips and insights on running a successful, small business, and how to pitch your story!
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Recently, I searched for a photographer to take new publicity photos. The whole process turned into a priority since my online photos were getting older and older. Based on my experience, I want to share a few tips with you. Conduct the appropriate research. Instead of just opening the local phone book and picking a […]
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If you recently lost your job or investments, take heart. When I lost my job five years ago, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Why? It gave me that extra push to start my own business. Now, I’m in control of my destiny: and my paycheck. If you’ve ever […]
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Hi Everyone! I hope you had a great July 4th! It’s always nice to celebrate our independence! On that note, are you starting a new, independent lifestyle working for yourself? If so, you may want to check out my new article, “How to Build Buzz for Your Services Without Spending a Dime.” You can start […]
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After you send out a press release, pitch a reporter or do an interview, I find it’s always best not to get too excited about a potential media placement until it actually happens. After all, breaking news, editing, lack of space, or numerous other factors out of your control can keep your story from actually […]
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If you’ve been working the media lately, you’ve probably noticed that the world of public relations is changing. Many reporters who’ve been with the same publications for years are losing their jobs, retiring or moving on to other careers due to the recession. It’s a big task to keep track of who is covering what […]
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