Category Archives for "Business"

Need Financial Help? Take Action.

I interviewed a major investor recently for an upcoming story on Pink Magazine Online, and she was inspiring. Basically, she reminded me that if you want changes to happen in your life, you’ve got to take responsibility and action…now. Are you having major financial problems and need help? Instead of waiting for government assistance, watching […]

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Think Like A Reporter

It’s 4:00 a.m., and I’m swamped with work. But I wanted to share a quick tip before digging into my pile of deadlines. New business owners often ask me when, where and how they should send out a press release, what they should say and how to reach out to media members.   If you […]

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Free, Do-It-Yourself Publicity Help

It’s early in the morning, and so far, it’s been a crazy week.  I’ve received many calls from new entrepreneurs looking for PR help so I decided to make a list of some free resources. I don’t usually send you to my other blog from here, but times are tough, and I think you’ll benefit […]

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