It’s 9:00 a.m., and I just finished dropping off my television equipment at the local cable company. What a relief! You see, a few days ago, I received an urgent notice in the mail to call a specific number. My television cable company wanted me to switch my converter box in time for the national […]
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Did you spring forward with Daylight Savings Time on Sunday? I usually love the longer days, but I had to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch a flight on Monday so it was pretty ugly…but I’m in much better shape today! Anyway, this time change can act as a reminder to jumpstart our lives. […]
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When was the last time you reviewed the copy on your website? Did you update it recently? If not, you are probably losing out on sales and building relationships with new customers. Take a quick look at your site and ask yourself these questions: 1. Is the information stale? 2. Does it look like our […]
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Geez. Is it just me, or have a lot of the people you’ve communicated with lately been grumpy and on edge? From potential customers and business owners to fellow PR experts and even a massage therapist, I’ve been getting a lot of “tude” lately. I know times are tough, but things are not going […]
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You sit down in your favorite chair ready to bite into your freshly prepared bagel and: Drat! There is a headline featuring your competition with a big photo of the CEO. The first thing you ask yourself is, “Why him and not me?” Well, don’t get too upset. That CEO may be: […]
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It’s 4:00 a.m., and I just turned on the computer and took my first sip of coffee. With the stress of the economy, the election and an increase in the number of reporters losing their jobs, it has been an uphill battle to build buzz for my clients. And just when frustration started […]
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