If you are trying to save money and start the New Year off right, there may be a secret problem lurking in your business. With the stress of trying to balance a budget, pay bills, obtain new customers, and have a life outside of the office, it can be easy to overlook one key element […]
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Ok. So it’s 5:00 a.m., and I walk to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee with my eyes half open. Ugh! I forgot to put coffee into the machine last night, and there is just a pot of hot water waiting for me. Oh well. I’ll make a fresh batch and use the […]
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Many new clients tell me that they have a blog, but no one is reading it. Other clients ask me if they need a blog. Well, if you have a blog, or are wondering if you need one, you may have these questions: What’s the point? Before you start writing, figure out why you want […]
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If you have been watching or listening to the news lately, it is packed with negativity concerning the latest unemployment rates, stock market upsets and violence overseas. It’s enough to make your blood pressure soar. Well, I’m not going to let it get to me. What about you? Instead of focusing on all of the […]
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I just got off the phone with a potential new client. She wasn’t sure how to build buzz for her organization. And after months of jumping around with SEO, media pitching, press releases, and other activities, she needed my help. Nothing was working. Do you know why? She wasn’t focusing on a specific goal. How […]
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The world of traditional media is changing, and if you want to use the full power of public relations to boost sales, awareness and credibility, you need to change with it. But where do you start? With all of the news about Twitter, Facebook and other social-media technologies, it can be overwhelming. But if you […]
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