When you prepare to contact a reporter, it is essential to conduct some research first. Media members receive hundreds of calls and e-mails each week, and you want to make a good, first-impression without being annoying. To stand out and get your story heard, here is a simple reminder of ten questions you should never […]
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I just got off the phone with a potential new client. She wasn’t sure how to build buzz for her organization. And after months of jumping around with SEO, media pitching, press releases, and other activities, she needed my help. Nothing was working. Do you know why? She wasn’t focusing on a specific goal. How […]
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Recently, I searched for a photographer to take new publicity photos. The whole process turned into a priority since my online photos were getting older and older. Based on my experience, I want to share a few tips with you. Conduct the appropriate research. Instead of just opening the local phone book and picking a […]
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Increase awareness, credibilty and sales via small business PR and online copywriting at www.rembrandtwrites.com
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Get valuable PR and writing tips to help increase sales, awareness and credibility at www.rembrandtwrites.com and sign up for our no-cost newsletter!
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Get valuable PR and writing tips to help your business increase sales, awareness and credibility at www.rembrandtwrites.com!
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