Tag Archives for " PR "

Are You Preparing for May Flowers Right Now?

Start Spring PR and Content Activities Now! If you have a big “To Do” list for your business and PR and marketing activities right now, it’s time to take action. Start big projects, reach out to new customers and review your goals. After all, the snow is thawing. Do you really want to be stuck […]

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What Do You Really Need to Boost Sales Now?

It’s Time to Provide Valuable Content. Spring is almost here – even if it doesn’t feel like it just yet. Soon, the flowers will bloom, and the days will get longer and warmer. But it’s also tax time, and that means you get a big reminder about how your business did last year. Did you […]

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Small Business Public Relations is Not So Small

Think Big for Bigger Results. If you are an entrepreneur, you may be looking for “small business public relations.” But the truth is, public relations strategies and tactics are the same for large corporations as they are for small business owners. You both have specific business goals, targeted media members to pursue and the need […]

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Shhh… Your Competition Isn’t Doing This!

3 Ways to Create a More Successful Business I don’t know about you, but I deal with many kinds of people on a weekly basis. Some are hard-core sales people trying to push their products on me. Others are telemarketers, young interns, people who have been on the job far too long, etc. who really […]

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