What Image Do You Convey Via Social Media? Research indicates that you can decrease loneliness and depression by limiting the amount of time you are on social media. For example, a study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that by reducing the amount of time spent on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to […]
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What is really a “must have technology” for your business? You need to be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Write blogs and post regularly. Your competition is using ABM, AI and SEO. Are you? The level of technology necessary to market a business today can be overwhelming… especially if you are a small […]
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3 Steps to Make the Most of Your Copywriting Now! Are you measuring your content marketing results? If not, you waste time and effort. Many new, small business owners come to me with blogs, emails, success stories, and more that follow an editorial calendar. They are on the right track, but they have no idea […]
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Why Do You Need Copywriting That Sells, Anyway? Give your target market valuable content on a regular basis. Have a professional copywriter write copy that sells. Share content via social media. You hear about how important it is to provide fresh, new content to your target audience on a daily basis. And while you […]
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You could be wasting more valuable resources than you think. In the past few weeks, numerous people in my life have been diagnosed with cancer and other illnesses, had hospital visits and even died. It’s just a reminder that no matter your age, no matter how healthy you are and no matter how “good” things […]
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No Problem. 3 Quick Tips to Make Sales Soar! It’s already November, and holiday marketing time is here for BtoB owners. But, as an entrepreneur, you may have been dealing with core business responsibilities, and this season just kind of “snuck up on you.” Well, don’t sweat it. There is still time to get your […]
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