Many new clients tell me that they have a blog, but no one is reading it. Other clients ask me if they need a blog. Well, if you have a blog, or are wondering if you need one, you may have these questions: What’s the point? Before you start writing, figure out why you want […]
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I just got off the phone with a potential new client. She wasn’t sure how to build buzz for her organization. And after months of jumping around with SEO, media pitching, press releases, and other activities, she needed my help. Nothing was working. Do you know why? She wasn’t focusing on a specific goal. How […]
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It’s 4:00 a.m., and I’m swamped with work. But I wanted to share a quick tip before digging into my pile of deadlines. New business owners often ask me when, where and how they should send out a press release, what they should say and how to reach out to media members. If you […]
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Have you felt the buzz in the air lately? After talking to friends, family members, business associates, and acquaintances, people seem to be making positive changes all over the country, despite the economy. Andrew Field of developed his own economic stimulus idea for small businesses and had it mentioned on, a […]
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With the competition in today’s business environment, it’s essential to get your priorities straight. And one of your key objectives is probably to increase sales:so how do you get an edge over others in your industry? The key is to focus on customer service. Did you know that people are creating lists to […]
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Over the weekend, I was walking along the beach early in the morning and noticed several people standing around with brooms. They were all wearing bright orange vests and seemed like they were fulfilling a community-service obligation. As I passed the group, I heard the leader say, “Now, take your time. If they see […]
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