Tag Archives for " http://wordpress.com/tag/PR/ "

Why Aren’t People Reading Your Blog?

Many new clients tell me that they have a blog, but no one is reading it. Other clients ask me if they need a blog. Well, if you have a blog, or are wondering if you need one, you may have these questions: What’s the point? Before you start writing, figure out why you want […]

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Think Like A Reporter

It’s 4:00 a.m., and I’m swamped with work. But I wanted to share a quick tip before digging into my pile of deadlines. New business owners often ask me when, where and how they should send out a press release, what they should say and how to reach out to media members.   If you […]

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What’s Your Work Ethic?

  Over the weekend, I was walking along the beach early in the morning and noticed several people standing around with brooms. They were all wearing bright orange vests and seemed like they were fulfilling a community-service obligation. As I passed the group, I heard the leader say, “Now, take your time. If they see […]

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