If you are worried about the current economic turmoil and want some help with your small business financial worries, check out these sites: DebtSteps.com http://www.debtsteps.com/financial-stress.html Fortune Small Business http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fsb/fsb_archive/2008/10/01/toc.html Free Management Library http://www.managementhelp.org/finance/fp_fnce/fp_fnce.htm SBA http://www.sba.gov/services/financialassistance/index.html SCORE http://www.score.org/index.html SuzeOrman.com http://www.suzeorman.com/igsbase/igstemplate.cfm?SRC=MD012&SRCN=index&GnavID=84&SnavID=20 The more informed you are, the better off your business will be now and in […]
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On Tuesday, I shared some quick tips on how to pitch media members. Here are some additional pointers: 5. Be Succinct. Reporters are on deadline. Get to the point fast. Practice what you are going to say in advance. Then, speak clearly and succinctly. Mention the most important benefits of your story angle […]
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It’s early in the morning and I just returned from a trip to Detroit. My aunt died suddenly, and I wanted to pay my respects. She was a wonderful person who lit up every room she entered. This is a sad event, but it also got me thinking. You never know when things are […]
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If you are a busy entrepreneur, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with answering e-mails, accounting work, and other simple tasks. But if you are not careful, this “busy work” can cause profits to decline and physical illness. To stay on top of things, try to remind yourself about the things that are truly […]
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