Tag Archives for " sales "

What Does Your Content Say to Customers?

What does your content say to customers? Get small business PR ideas here to boost sales fast!

When was the last time you reviewed your content? Your current impression on customers may surprise you! What does your content say to customers? As a small business owner, you probably have all kinds of content going out to current and potential customers including social media, articles, newsletters, emails, sales messages, and more. That’s fantastic, […]

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How to Make Your Summer Content Sizzle

… and have time for a cool beverage It’s hot. It’s humid. It’s the middle of summer, and the last thing you feel like doing is starting a massive, sales campaign to bring in new customers. This won’t work anyway because most of your potential customers are either on vacation, getting ready to travel or […]

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Why Are Customers Leaving Your Site?

Are you Guilty of These 3 Website Sins?  You’ve spent hours creating your website, marketing your products and services and writing content. That means you website traffic should grow, and the sales should be coming in… but they’re not. Why not? Well, you may be guilty of these…  3 Website Sins That Turn Customers Away […]

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What Do You Really Need to Boost Sales Now?

It’s Time to Provide Valuable Content. Spring is almost here – even if it doesn’t feel like it just yet. Soon, the flowers will bloom, and the days will get longer and warmer. But it’s also tax time, and that means you get a big reminder about how your business did last year. Did you […]

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